Video Streaming Server With Multi-Protocol,Robust And Rich API
Location:Index Page  >  Document  >  Uninstall
Please follow the steps below to properly uninstall Ti Top Streamer:

Notes:The following command must be executed as root user!

1. first, stop the service:
systemctl stop TiTopStreamerManager
systemctl stop TiTopStreamer

2. Delete registered system services:
cd /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/bin
Notes:After runing the command ./,You will see below message:
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Notes:If you meet the below message when you run the command ./, This indicates that the file lacks executable permissions:
-bash: ./ Permission denied
At this point, please run the following command first, grant it executable permissions, and then run the command ./ again:
chmod +x

3. If you want to back up relevant configuration information, please follow the command below to copy the relevant files. If you do not need to back up, please skip this step:
cd /usr/local
mkdir some_bak_dir
cp /usr/local/TiTopStreamer/conf  /usr/local/some_bak_dir -r

4. Remove the directory where the program is located
cd /usr/local		
rm -rf /usr/local/TiTopStreamer
rm -rf /usr/local/TiTopStreamer-x.x.x
Where x.x.x represents the version number.